Teori krisis, menyangkut sebab[1] dan akibat penekanan tingkat laba menuju kejatuhan dalam sistem kapitalis, diasosiasikan dengan kritik ekonomi politik Marxian, dan kemudian dipopulerisasikan melalui ekonomi Marxis. Analisis awal oleh Jean Charles Léonard de Sismondi memberikan sugesti pertama dari akar sistemik Krisis.[2][3][4]
- ^ 'The causes of crises' in Rudolf Hilferding [1981] 'Finance Capital' RKP p.257
- ^ "An Introduction to the Study of Crisis by Kuruma Samezō 1929".
- ^ Isaac Illyich Rubin [1979] 'Sismondi as a Critic of Capitalism', Chapter 37 in A History of Economic Thought, InkLinks, London
- ^ J. C. L. Sismonde de Sismondi 'New Principles of Political Economy: Of Wealth in Its Relation to Population Trans. Richard Hyse 1991 Transaction Publishers, Rutgers - The State University, New Brunswick, New Jersey'
Bacaan tambahan
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Pranala luar
- Capital, Volume 1, "Chapter 1" by Karl Marx
- "Crisis of Capitalism" by MIA Encyclopedia of Marxism
- Chesnais, François [1984] Marx's Crisis Theory Today in Christopher Freeman ed. Design, Innovation and Long Cycles in Economic Development 2nd ed. 1984 Frances Pinter, London. Audio Recording of Francois Chesnais's presentation published in the above Marx's Crisis Theory Today [1983](audio .mp3)
- "Economic crisis and the responsibility of socialists" by Rick Kuhn
- "Crisis and Hope: Theirs and Ours" Noam Chomsky, 2009
- A Critique of Crisis Theory From a Marxist perspective Current specialist blog and discussion with resources by Sam Williams from January 2009
- For a short video presentation of the theory, Cliff Bowman's video introduction to 'Marx's Theory of Economic Crisis', Cranfield University, School of Management, posted to YouTube 2009
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