Joseph Alberic Fiennes (lahir 27 Mei 1970) merupakan seorang aktor berkebangsaan Inggris yang memenangkan nominasi Screen Actors Guild Award. Dia dilahirkan di Salisbury, Inggris. Dia berkarier di dunia film sejak tahun 1993.
- Stealing Beauty (1996)
- Shakespeare in Love (1998)
- Elizabeth (1998)
- Martha, Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence (1998)
- Forever Mine (1999)
- Enemy at the Gates (2001)
- Dust (2001)
- Leo (2002)
- Killing Me Softly (2003)
- Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas (2003) (voice)
- Luther (2003)
- The Merchant of Venice (2004)
- The Great Raid (2005)
- Man to Man (2005)
- Running with Scissors (2006)
- The Darwin Awards (2006)
- Goodbye Bafana (2007)
- The Escapist (2008)
- The Red Baron (2008)
- Pretty/Handsome (2008)
Pranala luar
- Joseph Fiennes di IMDb (dalam bahasa Inggris)
- Joseph Fiennes biography and credits di Screenonline British Film Institute
- Joseph Fiennes in Angola BBC News
- Goodbye Bafana - Official movie site
- The Peerage Site

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