Drama Korea (disingkat Drakor) adalah seri televisi dengan bahasa Korea, umumnya dibuat di negara Korea Selatan.
Drama Korea populer di seluruh dunia khususnya Asia, bersamaan dengan merebaknya budaya populer Korea (disebut gelombang Korea). Drama Korea dengan mudahnya ditonton via layanan streaming yang menyediakan takarir dengan banyak pilihan bahasa. Banyak dari drama tersebut yang sukses dan tayang di saluran televisi di banyak negara. Misalnya, drama Dae Jang Geum (2003) telah tayang di 150 negara. Drama Korea berhasil menyebar ke negara-negara di Asia dimulai dari Drama yang berjudul What Is Love yang muncul pada tahun 1997 dan sangat populer seiring penayangannya.[1]
Drama Korea punya citra baik di mata internasional terkait dengan fashion, gaya dan budaya. Diharapkan drama korea dapat segera diinvasi India agar plot ceritanya semakin menarik dan berkembang sehingga kejayaan drama Korea membawanya menjadi kiblat fashion di mancanegara.[2]
Drama Korea biasanya disutradarai oleh satu orang, juga ceritanya ditulis oleh satu penulis naskah saja. Ini mengapa beda drama akan beda juga gaya penyutradaraan dan gaya dialognya. Berbeda dengan seri televisi misalnya buatan Amerika Serikat yang disutradarai dan ditulis oleh banyak orang yang bekerja bersama-sama.[3]
Slot tayang drama mengudara pada sore hari sekitar pukul 19.00 sampai 21.00 setiap hari Senin sampai Jumat. Slot drama seperti ini hadir dalam format telenovela, jarang di antara drama itu yang lebih dari 150 episode. Berbeda dengan opera sabun Amerika Serikat, drama Korea yang tayang setiap hari tidak disiarkan di waktu siang. Pengecualian berlaku untuk drama unggulan yang tayang ulang di televisi. Malam hari menjadi waktu penayangan bagus untuk mendapatkan rating tinggi di Korea Selatan. Contohnya pada akhir 2000-an, drama First Wives' Club yang tayang akhir pekan mencapai rating 41,3%, dan drama Temptation of Wife berating puncak pada angka 40,6%, menurut TNS Korea.
Alur dan jalan cerita
Drama Korea punya segudang genre di antaranya drama laga, drama sejarah, drama sekolah, drama kedokteran, drama hukum, juga komedi horor. Unsur yang dibawakan juga beragam, mulai dari percintaan hingga tema emosi mendalam, terdapat pula yang membawa tema tragedi dan penggalan kehidupan. Terdapat ragam gaya dan pembawaan.
Tema utama pada drama Korea yakni seputar persahabatan, kekeluargaan, dan cinta, yang memadukan nilai-nilai tradisi Konfusianisme dengan materialisme dan individualisme ala Barat.

Secara umum, ada dua genre utama drama Korea. Genre pertama menyerupai opera sabun barat dengan plot pendek, berakhir cepat, dan tanpa referensi seksual yang jelas, yang biasanya sering ditemukan di drama barat. Drama ini biasanya melibatkan konflik terkait hubungan percintaan, hubungan bisnis, hubungan keluarga, maupun hubungan antara mertua (biasanya antara ibu dan anak/menantu perempuan). Selain itu, mereka sering terlibat cinta segitiga yang rumit di mana pemeran utama biasanya dicintai oleh dua pihak lawan jenis, yang salah satunya adalah pemeran utama. Drama ini berlangsung dari 10 episode sampai lebih dari 100 episode (biasanya tidak lebih dari 200 episode).
Genre utama lainnya adalah mengenai drama sejarah Korea (juga dikenal sebagai sa geuk), yang merupakan dramatisasi fiksi sejarah Korea. Drama sejarah Korea biasanya melibatkan alur cerita yang sangat kompleks dengan kostum, set dan efek khusus yang rumit.[6]Seni bela diri, pertarungan pedang dan kuda sering menjadi komponen utama dari drama sejarah Korea tersebut. Drama Korea, baik drama sejarah atau modern, biasanya ditandai dengan kualitas produksi yang sangat baik, karakter dengan penjiwaan yang baik, naskah yang cerdas tetapi sebagian besar bergantung pada penggunaan pola dasar karakter.[7]
Sageuk merujuk pada drama televisi atau film Korea yang didasarkan pada tokoh sejarah, menggabungkan kejadian sejarah, atau menggunakan latar belakang historis. Meskipun secara teknis kata "sageuk" secara harfiah berarti "drama sejarah", istilah ini biasanya diperuntukkan bagi drama yang berlangsung selama sejarah Korea.[8] Subjek populer dari sageuk diantaranya pertempuran, perebutan kekuasaan/tahta, pemimpin militer terkenal, dan intrik politik.
Beberapa drama yang termasuk kategori ini diantaranya Dae Jang Geum (Jewel in the Palace), Yi San, dan Jumong yang menerima tingkat kepemirsaan dan kepuasan yang tinggi di sejumlah negara seperti Vietnam, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Fiji dan Iran. Jumong, yang disiarkan di IRIB (Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting) pada tahun 2008 menerima 85% pangsa pirsawan.[9]
Sering terpusat pada kisah cinta, serial yang dibuat pada zaman sekarang menempatkan hubungan keluarga sebagai fokus utama. Karakter dalam serial jenis ini kebanyakan idealis, dengan protagonis pria Korea digambarkan sebagai sosok yang tampan, cerdas, emosional dan mencari "satu cinta sejati". Hal ini pula yang menjadi faktor pendukung popularitas drama Korea di kalangan wanita, karena citra pria Korea menjadi berbeda dengan pria Asia lainnya.[3][10][11][12]
Drama Korea di Indonesia
- Di Indonesia, drama Korea meraih popularitasnya dan drama populer Korea Winter Sonata dan Endless Love ditayangkan oleh Surya Citra Media pada tahun 2002. Beberapa drama Korea juga dibuat ulang dengan versi Indonesia seperti Demi Cinta pada tahun 2005 yang merupakan remake dari drama Korea Autumn in My Heart serta Cinta Sejati, remake dari Stairway to Heaven. RCTI dan Indosiar adalah dua stasiun televisi yang menyiarkan drama Korea.[13][14]
- Stasiun televisi NET. berhasil untuk konsisten menayangkan drama Korea hingga saat ini dengan berbagai genre, serta menayangkan berbagai judul mulai dari yang fresh atau pertama kali tayang di Indonesia atau judul lama yang mengajak untuk bernostalgia. Sehingga NET. dijuluki rumahnya drakor dengan tagline NET. Home of Drakor.
Daftar Drama Korea Populer di TV Indonesia

- 1% of Anything
- 49 Days
- 100 Days My Prince
- A Love to Kill
- A Tale of Two Sisters
- A Thousand Days' Promise
- Backstreet Rookie
- Beautiful Gong Shim
- Birdie Buddy
- Boys Over Flowers
- Can't Lose
- Cantabile Tomorrow
- Cinderella's Sister
- City Hunter
- Coffee Prince
- Descendants of the Sun
- Dong Yi
- Daemul/Big Thing
- Dream
- Dream High
- East of Eden
- Endless Love
- Endless Love 2: Winter Sonata
- Endless Love 3: Summer Scent
- Forbidden Love
- Full House
- Green Rose
- Princess Hours
- Healer
- Heartstrings
- Hotel Del Luna
- Hwarang
- I Am Legend
- Iris
- Iris II
- Jewel in the Palace
- Jumong
- Love Story in Harvard
- Love in the Moonlight
- Lovers
- Lovers in Paris
- Marrying a Millionaire
- My Girl
- My Fair Lady
- My Princess
- My Girlfriend is a Gumiho
- My Lovely Sam Soon
- My Unfortunate Boyfriend
- Only You
- Oh Feel Young
- Personal Preference
- Princess Lulu
- Playful Kiss
- Protect the Boss
- Queen Seon Deok
- Queen of the Office
- Sungkyunkwan Scandal
- Save the Last Dance for Me
- Memories of Bali
- Stained Glass
- Spring Day
- Reply 1988
- Stairway To Heaven
- Secret Garden
- Shining Inheritance
- Spring Waltz
- Temptation of a Wife
- The Baker King
- Truth
- The Heirs
- The King 2 Hearts
- The Producers
- Three Brothers
- What's Wrong with Secretary Kim
- Wedding
- Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-Joo
- Welcome to Waikiki
- Which Star Are You From
- Wonderful Life
- You're Beautiful
- You Are The Best

Pada tahun 2000-an, telah menjadi kebiasaan untuk menampilkan idola K-pop yang populer di dalam sebuah drama. Penerimaan kritis mereka beragam, namun beberapa di antaranya berhasil menjadi aktor yang berakting dengan baik.[15][16]
- Chae Rim
- Chae Soo-bin
- Cha Tae-hyun
- Choi Ji-woo
- Choi Siwon (Super Junior)
- Choi Seung-hyun (Big Bang)
- Choi Jung-yoon
- Dong Young-bae (Big Bang)
- Eugene
- Goo Hara (Kara)
- Gong Hyo-jin
- Gong Yoo
- Ham Eun-jung (T-ara)
- Han Chae-young
- Han Ji-hye
- Han Ji-min
- Ha Ji-won
- Han Ye-seul
- Han Hyo-joo
- Hyun Bin
- Im Yoona (Girls' Generation)
- Jae Hee
- Jang Dong-gun
- Ji Chang-wook
- Ji Jin-hee
- Ji Sung
- Joo Ji-hoon
- Joo Won
- Jung Yong-hwa (C.N.Blue)
- Jung Il-woo
- Jang Wooyoung (2PM)
- Jay Park
- Jung Woo-sung
- Kim Bum
- Kim Heechul (Super Junior)
- Kim Hee-sun
- Kim Joon (T-Max)
- Kim Hyun-joong (SS501)
- Kim Nam-gil
- Kim Sun-ah
- Kim Tae-hee
- Kang Dae-sung (Big Bang)
- Kim Ha-neul
- Kim Seon-ho
- Kim So-eun
- Kim So-hyun
- Kim Soo-hyun
- Kim Woo-bin
- Lee Byung-hun
- Lee Da-hae
- Lee Donghae (Super Junior)
- Lee Dong-wook
- Lee Hongki (FT Island)
- Lee Hyori
- Lee Jong-suk
- Lee Jun-ki
- Lee Junho (2PM)
- Lee Gi-kwang (Beast (grup musik))
- Lee Min-ho
- Lee Min-ki
- Lee Seung-hyun (Big Bang)
- Lee Seo-jin
- Lee Sungmin (Super Junior)
- Lee Seung-gi
- Lee Taemin (SHINee)
- Lee Yo-won
- Go Soo
- Goo Hye-sun
- Kwon Sang-woo
- Kwon Yuri (SNSD)
- Kwon Ji-young (Big Bang)
- Moon Geun-young
- Nichkhun Horvejkul (2PM)
- Park Bo-gum
- Park Eun-hye
- Park Shin-hye
- Bi/Rain
- Ryu Shi-won
- Ryu Soo-young
- Sandara Park (2NE1)
- Seo In-guk
- Shin Dongho
- Shin Min-a
- Shin Se-kyung
- So Ji-sub
- Song Hye-kyo
- Song Ji-hyo
- Song Joong-ki
- Song Seung-heon
- Soo Ae
- Son Ye-jin
- Sung Yu-ri
- Suzy (Miss A)
- Taecyeon (2PM)
- Won Bin
- Kim Junsu (JYJ)
- Kim Jaejoong (JYJ)
- Choikang Changmin (DBSK)
- Park Yoochun (JYJ)
- Jung Yunho (DBSK)
- Uee (After School)
- Yeon Woo-jin
- Yoon Doo-joon (B2ST)
- Yoon Eun-hye
- Yoon Shi-yoon
- Yoo Seung-ho
- Jo In-sung
Peringkat kepemirsaan
Peringkat (rating) kepemirsaan disediakan oleh dua perusahaan di Korea Selatan, AGB Nielsen Media Research dan TNmS. Awalnya Media Service Korea adalah satu-satunya perusahaan yang menyediakan informasi tersebut, yang kemudian diakuisisi oleh Nielsen Media Research. Pada tahun 1999 TNS Media Korea juga memulai layanan tersebut, dan kemudian berubah nama menjadi TNmS. AGB mengumpulkan data pemirsa berdasarkan 2050 rumah tangga, sedangkan TNmS memiliki 2000 rumah tangga dengan alat pengukur. Peringkat drama biasanya bervariasi antara kedua perusahaan tersebut dengan 2-3%.[17]
Daftar drama Korea dengan pemeringkatan tertinggi di televisi berjaringan nasional
Daftar berikut ini dikompilasi dari data AGB Nielsen Media Research, berdasarkan episode dengan tingkat kepemirsaan tertinggi sejak 1992, ketika AGB Nielsen masuk dalam pangsa pasar Korea.[18]

# | Drama | Stasiun TV | Pemeringkatan Tertinggi | Tanggal Episode Terakhir | Ref. |
1 | You and I | MBC | 66.9% | 26 April 1998 | [19] |
2 | First Love | KBS2 | 65.8% | 20 April 1997 | |
3 | What is Love | MBC | 64.9% | 31 Mei 1992 | |
4 | Sandglass | SBS | 64.5% | 16 Februari 1995 | |
5 | Hur Jun | MBC | 63.5% | 27 Juni 2000 | |
6 | A Sunny Place of the Young | KBS2 | 62.7% | 12 November 1995 | |
7 | Sons and Daughters | MBC | 61.1% | 9 Mei 1993 | |
8 | Taejo Wang Geon | KBS1 | 60.2% | 24 Februari 2002 | |
9 | Eyes of Dawn | MBC | 58.4% | 6 Februari 1992 | |
10 | Dae Jang Geum | 57.8% | 23 Maret 2004 | ||
11 | See and See Again | 57.3% | 2 April 1999 | [20] | |
12 | Truth | 56.5% | 24 Februari 2000 | ||
13 | Lovers in Paris | SBS | 56.3% | 15 Agustus 2004 | |
14 | Jealousy | MBC | 56.1% | 21 Juli 1992 | |
15 | Blowing of the Wind | KBS2 | 55.8% | 29 Maret 1996 | |
16 | Men of the Bath House | 53.4% | 1 September 1996 | ||
17 | Gook Hee | MBC | 53.1% | 16 November 1999 | |
Trap of Youth | SBS | 15 April 1999 | |||
19 | Tomato | 52.7% | 10 Juni 1999 | ||
20 | M | MBC | 52.2% | 30 Agustus 1994 | |
21 | Season of the Storm | 52.1% | 30 Desember 1993 | ||
22 | Rustic Period | SBS | 51.8% | 30 September 2003 | |
23 | My Mother's Sea | MBC | 51.6% | 26 Desember 1993 | |
24 | Legend of Ambition | KBS2 | 50.2% | 25 Oktober 1998 | |
25 | Ladies of the Palace | SBS | 49.9% | 22 Juli 2002 | |
26 | My Son's Woman | MBC | 49.7% | 13 April 1995 | |
Jumong | 6 Maret 2007 | [21] | |||
28 | Tears of the Dragon | KBS1 | 49.6% | 31 Mei 1998 | |
29 | Star in My Heart | MBC | 49.3% | 29 April 1997 | |
King of Baking, Kim Takgu | KBS2 | 16 September 2010 | [22] | ||
31 | My Lovely Sam Soon | MBC | 49.1% | 21 Juli 2005 | |
32 | Ambition | 49.0% | 13 Oktober 1994 | ||
33 | The Moon of Seoul | 48.7% | 16 Oktober 1994 | ||
34 | The Last Match | 48.6% | 22 Februari 1994 | ||
35 | All About Eve | MBC | 48.3% | 6 Juli 2000 | |
Wang's Family | KBS2 | 9 Februari 2014 | [23] | ||
37 | How is Your Husband? | SBS | 48.2% | 19 Oktober 1993 | |
38 | Cinderella | MBC | 48.0% | 13 Juli 1997 | |
39 | All In | SBS | 47.7% | 3 April 2003 | |
40 | Seoyoung, My Daughter | KBS2 | 47.6% | 3 Maret 2013 | [24] |
41 | Until We Can Love | 47.1% | 28 Februari 1997 | ||
42 | My Rosy Life | 47.0% | 10 November 2005 | ||
43 | Pilot | MBC | 46.2% | 2 November 1993 | |
44 | Autumn in My Heart | KBS2 | 46.1% | 7 November 2000 | |
45 | Daughters of a Rich Family | 45.9% | 30 April 1995 | ||
46 | My Husband Got a Family | 45.3% | 9 September 2012 | [25] | |
47 | Brilliant Legacy | SBS | 45.2% | 26 Juli 2009 | [26] |
48 | My Golden Life | KBS2 | 45.1% | 11 Maret 2018 | [27] |
49 | Dear Heaven | SBS | 44.9% | 2 Juli 2006 | [28] |
50 | My Too Perfect Sons | KBS2 | 44.2% | 11 Oktober 2009 | [29] |
Daftar drama Korea dengan pemeringkatan tertinggi di televisi kabel
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Hyeri dan Park Bo-gum, bintang drama seri Reply 1988 (tvN, 2016) yang mencatatkan pemeringkatan pemirsa tertinggi secara nasional sebesar 18.8% membuatnya menjadi drama dengan peringkat tertinggi dalam sejarah pertelevisian kabel Korea[30][31]
Drama berikut ini tayang pada stasiun televisi kabel/TV berbayar yang normalnya memiliki pemirsa yang relatif kecil dibanding TV free-to-air/penyiaran publik (KBS, SBS, MBC & EBS).
# | Drama | Stasiun TV | Pemeringkatan Rerata Tertinggi[32] (Nasional) |
Tanggal Episode Terakhir | Ref |
1 | The World of the Married | JTBC | 28.371% | 16 Mei 2020 | [33] |
2 | Sky Castle | 23.779% | 1 Februari 2019 | [34] | |
3 | Crash Landing on You | tvN | 21.683% | 16 Februari 2020 | [35] |
4 | Reply 1988 | 18.803% | 16 Januari 2016 | [36][37] | |
5 | Guardian: The Lonely and Great God | 18.680% | 21 Januari 2017 | [38] | |
6 | Mr. Sunshine | 18.129% | 30 September 2018 | [39] | |
7 | Itaewon Class | JTBC | 14.760% | 21 Maret 2020 | [40] |
8 | 100 Days My Prince | tvN | 14.412% | 30 Oktober 2018 | [41] |
9 | Hospital Playlist | 14.142% | 28 Mei 2020 | [42] | |
10 | Signal | 12.544% | 12 Maret 2016 | [43] | |
11 | Woman of Dignity | JTBC | 12.065% | 19 Agustus 2017 | [44][45] |
12 | Hotel Del Luna | tvN | 12.001% | 1 September 2019 | [46] |
13 | Reply 1994 | tvN | 11.509% | 28 Desember 2013 | [47] |
14 | Prison Playbook | 11.195% | 18 Januari 2018 | [48] | |
15 | The Crowned Clown | 10.851% | 4 Maret 2019 | [49] | |
16 | Childless Comfort | JTBC | 10.715% | 17 Maret 2013 | [50][51] |
17 | Encounter | tvN | 10.329% | 24 Januari 2019 | [52] |
18 | Memories of the Alhambra | 10.025% | 20 Januari 2019 | [53] | |
19 | Another Miss Oh | 9.991% | 28 Juni 2016 | [54] | |
20 | Dazzling | JTBC | 9.731% | 19 Maret 2019 | [55] |
21 | Strong Woman Do Bong-soon | 9.668% | 15 April 2017 | [56] | |
22 | Lawless Lawyer | tvN | 8.937% | 1 Juli 2018 | [57] |
23 | What's Wrong with Secretary Kim | 8.665% | 26 Juli 2018 | [58] | |
24 | Graceful Family | MBN | 8.478% | 17 Oktober 2019 | [59] |
25 | Misty | JTBC | 8.452% | 24 Maret 2018 | [60] |
26 | Misaeng | tvN | 8.240% | 20 Desember 2014 | [61] |
27 | Familiar Wife | 8.210% | 20 September 2018 | [62] | |
28 | Dear My Friends | 8.087% | 2 July 2016 | [63] | |
29 | Live | 7.730% | 6 Mei 2018 | [64] | |
30 | Arthdal Chronicles | 7.705% | 22 September 2019 | [65] | |
31 | Stranger 2 | 7.627% | (saat ini masih tayang) | [66] | |
32 | The Good Detective | JTBC | 7.609% | 25 Agustus 2020 | [67] |
33 | My Mister | tvN | 7.352% | 17 Mei 2018 | [68] |
34 | It's Okay to Not Be Okay | 7.348% | 9 August 2020 | [69] | |
35 | Oh My Ghostess | 7.337% | 22 Agustus 2015 | [70] | |
36 | Something in the Rain | JTBC | 7.281% | 19 Mei 2018 | [71] |
37 | Second 20s | tvN | 7.233% | 17 Oktober 2015 | [72] |
38 | Cheese in the Trap | 7.102% | 1 Maret 2016 | [73] | |
39 | Voice 2 | OCN | 7.086% | 16 September 2018 | [74] |
40 | A Korean Odyssey | tvN | 6.942% | 4 Maret 2018 | [75] |
41 | Live Up to Your Name | 6.907% | 1 Oktober 2017 | [76] | |
42 | Record of Youth | 6.802% | (saat ini masih tayang) | [77] | |
43 | The Cursed | 6.721% | 17 March 2020 | [78] | |
44 | Romance Is a Bonus Book | 6.651% | 17 Maret 2019 | [79] | |
45 | The K2 | 6.636% | 12 November 2016 | [80] | |
46 | Watcher | OCN | 6.585% | 25 Agustus 2019 | [81] |
47 | Stranger | tvN | 6.568% | 30 Juiy 2017 | [82] |
48 | Hi Bye, Mama! | 6.519% | (saat ini masih tayang) | [83] | |
49 | Tunnel | OCN | 6.490% | 21 Mei 2017 | [84] |
50 | Queen: Love and War | TV Chosun | 6.348% | 9 Februari 2020 | [85] |
51 | Avengers Social Club | tvN | 6.330% | 16 November 2017 | [86] |
52 | Kingmaker: The Change of Destiny | TV Chosun | 6.327% | 26 July 2020 | [87] |
53 | Confession | tvN | 6.275% | 12 Mei 2019 | [88] |
54 | The Good Wife | 6.232% | 27 Agustus 2016 | [89] | |
55 | Designated Survivor: 60 Days | 6.178% | 20 Agustus 2019 | [90] | |
56 | The Most Beautiful Goodbye in the World | 6.176% | 17 Desember 2017 | [91] | |
57 | Room No. 9 | 6.155% | 25 November 2018 | [92] | |
80 | Reply 1997 | 6.120% | 18 September 2012 | [93] | |
59 | Life on Mars | OCN | 5.851% | 5 Agustus 2018 | [94] |
60 | Player | 5.803% | 11 November 2018 | [95] | |
61 | Beautiful World | JTBC | 5.785% | 25 Mei 2019 | [96] |
62 | Gangnam Beauty | 5.753% | 15 September 2018 | [97] | |
63 | The Wind Blows | 5.662% | 16 Juli 2019 | [98] | |
64 | Tale of Fairy | tvN | 5.628% | 25 Desember 2018 | [99] |
65 | Grand Prince | TV Chosun | 5.627% | 6 Mei 2018 | [100] |
66 | Life | JTBC | 5.561% | 11 September 2018 | [101] |
67 | Voice 3 | OCN | 5.517% | 30 Juni 2019 | [102] |
68 | Black Dog: Being A Teacher | tvN | 5.483% | 4 Februari 2020 | [103] |
69 | My Unfamiliar Family | 5.434% | 21 Juli 2020 | [104] | |
70 | When My Love Blooms | 5.431% | 14 Juni 2020 | [105] | |
71 | Voice | OCN | 5.406% | 12 Maret 2017 | [106] |
72 | Secret Love Affair | JTBC | 5.372% | 13 Mei 2014 | [107] |
73 | Chief of Staff 2 | 5.340% | 10 Desember 2019 | [108] | |
74 | Miss Hammurabi | 5.333% | 16 Juli 2018 | [109] | |
75 | The Beauty Inside | 5.317% | 20 November 2018 | [110] | |
76 | Chief of Staff | 5.314% | 13 Juli 2019 | [111] | |
77 | Emergency Couple | tvN | 5.083% | 5 April 2014 | [112] |
78 | Graceful Friends | JTBC | 5.081 | 5 September 2020 | [113] |
79 | Diary of a Prosecutor | JTBC | 5.042% | 11 Februari 2020 | [114] |
80 | Drinking Solo | tvN | 5.020% | 25 Oktober 2016 | [115] |
81 | My Country: The New Age | JTBC | 4.989% | 23 November 2019 | [116] |
82 | Cruel Palace - War of Flowers | 4.981% | 8 September 2013 | [117] | |
83 | Mother | tvN | 4.974% | 15 Maret 2018 | [118] |
84 | Because This is My First Life | 4.931% | 28 November 2017 | [119] | |
85 | Save Me | OCN | 4.797% | 24 September 2017 | [120] |
Bad Guys: City of Evil | 4 Februari 2018 | [121] | |||
87 | Class of Lies | 4.781% | 5 September 2019 | [122] | |
88 | Touch Your Heart | tvN | 4.736% | 28 Maret 2019 | [123] |
89 | Cross | 4.733% | 20 Maret 2018 | [124] | |
90 | Flower of Evil | 4.729% | 23 September 2020 | [125] | |
91 | Maids | JTBC | 4.725% | 28 Maret 2015 | [126] |
Lihat pula
- ^ Jalaludin Shofihara, Inang (27 Juli 2023). "Sejarah Drama Korea, dari Awal Berdiri hingga Menjamah Dunia". Kompas.com. Diakses tanggal 28 November 2024.
- ^ Sadiyah, Halimatus. "Profesor Korea Ungkap Rahasia K-pop & K-drama Bisa Mendunia". CNBC Indonesia. Diakses tanggal 2024-02-04.
- ^ a b Chosun Ilbo 2007.
- ^ "Kim Soo Hyun's net worth is now S$1.2 million?". XIN MSN. 3 Maret 2014. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2014-06-06. Diakses tanggal 5 Juni 2014.
- ^ "What makes Kim Soo-hyun so popular in China?". Korea Herald. 22 Januari 2014. Diakses tanggal 5 Juni 2014.
- ^ Eckersley, M (ed.) 2009, Drama from the rim: Asian Pacific drama book, 2nd ed., Drama Victoria, Melbourne. p56.
- ^ Eckersley, M (ed.) 2009, Drama from the rim: Asian Pacific drama book, 2nd ed., Drama Victoria, Melbourne. p57.
- ^ "Introduction to Sageuks". Sageuk: Korean Historical Dramas (dalam bahasa Inggris). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2016-02-20. Diakses tanggal 1 Maret 2016.
- ^ Tourism, Korean Culture and Information Service Ministry of Culture, Sports and (18 Agustus 2012). K-Drama: A New TV Genre with Global Appeal. 길잡이미디어. ISBN 9788973751679.
- ^ Turnbull 2009.
- ^ Iwabuchi 2008.
- ^ Lee 2005.
- ^ "The Global Impact of South Korean Popular Culture".
- ^ "Korean TV formats: a new Korean wave?". Daehan Drama.
- ^ KOCIS 2011, hlm. 90-109.
- ^ "Top 7 successful idol-turned-actors". Korea Herald. 12 Juni 2013. Diakses tanggal 5 Juni 2016.
- ^ "South Korean TV Ratings: TNmS vs. AGB Nielsen". Soompi. 21 Juni 2011. Diakses tanggal 10 September 2014.
- ^ "AGB Nielsen Korea" (dalam bahasa Korea). AGB Nielsen Korea. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 8 Februari 2015. Diakses tanggal 3 Juni 2014.
- ^ "최고의 인기 드라마, 시청률 1위 질주". www.imbc.com.
최고의 인기 드라마, 시청률 1위 질주
- ^ Lee Seung Heon (1999-03-22). "보고 또…'여파 9시뉴스 판도 뒤바뀌어". Dong-A Ilbo.
- ^ "Maret 6, 2007 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (MBC) 특별기획(주몽) 49.7%
- ^ "September 16, 2010 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (KBS2) 수목드라마(제빵왕김탁구) 49.3%
- ^ "Februari 9, 2014 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (KBS2) 주말연속극(왕가네식구들) 48.3%
- ^ "Maret 3, 2013 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (KBS2) 주말연속극(내딸서영이) 47.6%
- ^ "September 9, 2012 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (KBS2) 주말연속극(넝쿨째굴러온당신) 45.3%
- ^ "July 26, 2009 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (KBS2) 특별기획(찬란한유산) 45.2%
- ^ "Maret 11, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (KBS2) 주말드라마(황금빛내인생) 45.1%
- ^ "July 2, 2006 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (SBS) 주말극장(하늘이시여) 44.9%
- ^ "Oktober 11, 2009 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (KBS2) 주말연속극(솔약국집아들들) 44.2%
- ^ "'Respond 1988' writes a new rating history "telecast end '". Stoo Asaie. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2018-06-22. Diakses tanggal 2017-01-21.
- ^ "Januari 16, 2016 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 응답하라1988<본> 18.803%
- ^ "AGB Daily Ratings: this links to current day-select the date from drop down menu". AGB Nielsen Media Research (dalam bahasa Korea). Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 1 June 2016. Diakses tanggal 21 January 2017.
- ^ "May 16, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 금토드라마(부부의세계) 28.371%
- ^ "February 1, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 금토드라마(SKY캐슬) 23.779%
- ^ "February 16, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 토일드라마(사랑의불시착<본>) 21.683%
- ^ "Reply 1988 Writes Cable Television History". Stoo Asaie. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2018-06-22. Diakses tanggal 2017-01-21.
- ^ "January 16, 2016 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 응답하라1988<본> 18.803%
- ^ "January 21, 2017 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 쓸쓸하고찬란하신도깨비<본> 18.680%
- ^ "September 30, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 미스터션샤인<본> 18.129%
- ^ "February 29, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 금토드라마(이태원클라쓰) 14.760%
- ^ "October 30, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 월화드라마(백일의낭군님<본>) 14.412%
- ^ "May 28, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 슬기로운 의사생활<본> 14.142%
- ^ "March 12, 2016 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 시그널<본> 12.544%
- ^ "종영 '품위녀' 12.1%로 자체 최고 기록..무서운 뒷심". Star News (dalam bahasa Korea).
- ^ "August 19, 2017 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 금토드라마(품위있는그녀) 12.065%
- ^ "September 1, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 토일드라마(호텔델루나<본>) 12.001%
- ^ "December 28, 2013 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 응답하라1994 11.509%
- ^ "January 18, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 수목드라마(슬기로운감빵생활<본>) 11.195%
- ^ "March 4, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 월화드라마(왕이된남자<본>) 10.851%
- ^ Kim, Tong-hyung (25 February 2013). "Childless Comfort looks like TV game-changer". The Korea Times. Diakses tanggal 2013-03-04.
- ^ "February 24, 2013 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) JTBC특별기획드라마(무자식상팔자) 10.715%
- ^ "November 29, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 수목드라마(남자친구<본>) 10.329%
- ^ "January 13, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 토일드라마(알함브라궁전의추억<본>) 10.025%
- ^ "June 28, 2016 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 월화드라마(또오해영<본>) 9.991%
- ^ "March 19, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 월화드라마(눈이부시게) 9.731%
- ^ "March 25, 2017 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 금토드라마(힘쎈여자도봉순) 9.668%
- ^ "July 1, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 무법변호사<본> 8.937%
- ^ "July 11, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 수목드라마(김비서가왜그럴까<본>) 8.665%
- ^ "October 17, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (MBN) 우아한가 8.478%
- ^ "March 24, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 금토드라마(미스티) 8.452%
- ^ "December 20, 2014 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 미생<본> 8.240%
- ^ "August 30, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 수목드라마(아는와이프<본>) 8.210%
- ^ "July 1, 2016 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
2nd (tvN) 디어마이프렌즈<본> 8.087%
- ^ "May 6, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 토일드라마(라이브<본>) 7.730%
- ^ "June 9, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 아스달연대기<본> 7.705%
- ^ "August 15, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 토일드라마(비밀의숲2<본>) 7.627%
- ^ "August 24, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 월화드라마(모범형사) 7.609%
- ^ "May 17, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 나의아저씨<본> 7.352%
- ^ "August 9, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 토일드라마(사이코지만괜찮아2부<본>) 7.348%
- ^ "August 22, 2015 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 금토드라마(오나의귀신님<본>) 7.337%
- ^ "May 12, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 금토드라마(밥잘사주는예쁜누나) 7.281%
- ^ "October 17, 2015 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 금토드라마(두번째스무살<본>) 7.233%
- ^ "February 1, 2016 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 월화드라마(치즈인더트랩<본>) 7.102%
- ^ "September 16, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
2nd (OCN) 놓치지말아야할소리보이스2<본> 7.086%
- ^ "January 14, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 화유기<본> 6.942%
- ^ "October 1, 2017 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 토일드라마(명불허전조선왕복메디활극<본>) 6.907%
- ^ "September 8, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 월화드라마(청춘기록<본>) 6.802%
- ^ "March 17, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 방법<본> 6.721%
- ^ "March 17, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 토일드라마(로맨스는별책부록<본>) 6.651%
- ^ "October 8, 2016 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 더케이투<본> 6.636%
- ^ "August 25, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
2nd (OCN) WATCHER<본> 6.585%
- ^ "July 30, 2017 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 토일드라마(비밀의숲<본>) 6.568%
- ^ "March 1, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 토일드라마(하이바이마마<본>) 6.519%
- ^ "May 21, 2017 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (OCN) 운명과시간이교차하는곳터널<본> 6.490%
- ^ "February 9, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (TV CHOSUN) TVCHOSUN특별기획드라마(간택여인들의전쟁) 6.348%
- ^ "November 16, 2017 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 수목드라마(부암동복수자들<본>) 6.330%
- ^ "June 27, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (TV CHOSUN) 특별기획드라마(바람과구름과비) 6.327%
- ^ "May 12, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 자백<본> 6.275%
- ^ "August 27, 2016 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 굿와이프<본> 6.232%
- ^ "August 20, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 월화드라마(60일지정생존자<본>) 6.178%
- ^ "December 17, 2017 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 세상에서가장아름다운이별<본> 6.176%
- ^ "October 6, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 토일드라마(나인룸<본>) 6.155%
- ^ "응답' 키스신 NG만 16번…정은지 "당하는 입장이라 가글만"". Sports Chosun.
'응답하라 1997'은 전국 6.12%(AGB닐슨미디어)로 자체 최고 시청률
- ^ "August 5, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
2nd (OCN) 라이프온마스<본> 5.851%
- ^ "November 11, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
2nd (OCN) 머니스틸액션플레이어<본> 5.803%
- ^ "May 25, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 금토드라마(아름다운세상) 5.785%
- ^ "September 15, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 금토드라마(내아이디는강남미인) 5.753%
- ^ "June 25, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
2nd (JTBC) 월화드라마(바람이분다) 5.662%
- ^ "November 5, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 월화드라마(계룡선녀전<본>) 5.628%
- ^ "May 6, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
2nd (TV조선) 특별기획드라마(대군사랑을그리다) 5.627%
- ^ "September 11, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 월화특별기획드라마(라이프) 5.561%
- ^ "June 30, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
2nd (OCN) 놓치지말아야할소리보이스3<본> 5.517%
- ^ "December 30, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 월화드라마(블랙독<본>) 5.483%
- ^ "July 21, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 아는건별로없지만가족입니다<본> 5.434%
- ^ "April 25, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 토일드라마(화양연화삶이꽃이되는순간<본>) 5.431%
- ^ "January 21, 2017 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
3rd (OCN) 놓치지말아야할소리보이스<본> 5.406%
- ^ "May 13, 2014 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 월화미니시리즈(밀회) 5.372%
- ^ "December 10, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
2nd (JTBC) 월화드라마(보좌관2세상을움직이는사람들) 5.340%
- ^ "July 16, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
2nd (JTBC) 월화드라마(미스함무라비) 5.333%
- ^ "November 13, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
2nd (JTBC) 월화드라마(뷰티인사이드) 5.317%
- ^ "July 13, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 금토드라마(보좌관세상을움직이는사람들) 5.314%
- ^ "April 5, 2014 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 금토드라마(응급남녀<본>) 5.083%
- ^ "September 5, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
4th (JTBC) 금토드라마(우아한친구들) 5.081
- ^ "December 16, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 월화드라마(검사내전) 5.042%
- ^ "October 25, 2016 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 월화드라마(혼술남녀<본>) 5.020%
- ^ "October 19, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
2nd (JTBC) 금토드라마(나의나라) 4.989%
- ^ "September 8, 2013 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (JTBC) 주말연속극(궁중잔혹사꽃들의전쟁) 4.981%
- ^ "Maret 15, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 마더<본> 4.974%
- ^ "November 28, 2017 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 월화드라마(이번생은처음이라<본>) 4.931%
- ^ "September 24, 2017 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
2nd (OCN) 본격사이비스릴러구해줘<본> 4.797%
- ^ "Februari 4, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
2nd (OCN) 나쁜녀석들악의도시<본> 4.797%
- ^ "September 5, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (OCN) 미스터기간제<본> 4.781%
- ^ "Februari 6, 2019 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 수목드라마(진심이닿다<본>) 4.736%
- ^ "Februari 6, 2018 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 월화드라마(크로스<본>) 4.733%
- ^ "September 9, 2020 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
1st (tvN) 수목드라마(악의꽃<본>) 4.729%
- ^ "Maret 28, 2015 Nationwide Cable Ratings". Nielsen Korea.
2nd (JTBC) 조선연애사극(하녀들) 4.725%
Bacaan lebih lanjut
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- Donga 2 (30 September 2013). "Interview with senior actors about Korean dramas". The Donga Ilbo. Diakses tanggal 4 Juni 2014.
- Iwabuchi, Koichi (2008). East Asian pop culture: analysing the Korean wave. Hong Kong University Press.
- Jeon, Won Kyung (2013). The 'Korean Wave' and television drama exports, 1995–2005 (PDF). University of Glasgow.
- Kim, Ju Young (2007). Rethinking Media Flow under Globalisation: Rising Korean Wave and Korean TV and Film Policy Since 1980s (Dissertation). Centre for Cultural Policy Studies, University of Warwick. Diakses tanggal 5 Desember 2013.
- Kim, Yang-hee (27 Juli 2013). "TV producer's suicide causes troubled industry to reflect". The Hankyoreh. Diakses tanggal 2014-06-04.
- Kim, Yang-hee (4 April 2013). "The unglamorous lives of Korean drama actors". The Hankyoreh. Diakses tanggal 4 Juni 2014.
- KOCIS (2011). K-Drama: A New TV Genre with Global Appeal (pdf). KOCIS. ISBN 978-89-7375-167-9. Diakses tanggal 2 Agustus 2014.
- Korea.net (12 Maret 2012). "Korea's fusion sageuk". Korea.net. Diakses tanggal 19 Januari 2014.
- Larsen, Tom (24 April 2008). "Whetting U.S. appetite for Korean TV dramas". The Korea Herald via Hancinema. Diakses tanggal 16 Januari 2011.
- Lee, Yong-cheol (24 Januari 2014). "The Secret of PERIOD DRAMA". KOFIC. Diakses tanggal 2 Juni 2014.
- Lee, Diana (2005). "Winter Sonata Drama fever". UNIORB. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2013-12-07. Diakses tanggal 19 Desember 2011.
- Oh, Youjeong (2015). “The Interactive Nature of Korean TV Dramas: Flexible Texts, Discursive Consumption, and Social Media.” In Sangjoon Lee and Abe Mark Nornes. Hallyu 2.0: The Korean Wave in the Age of Social Media. University of Michigan Press. ISBN 978-0-472-07252-1.
- Robinson, Michael E. (1998). "16: Broadcasting in Korea, 1924–1937: Colonial Modernity and Cultural Hegemony". Dalam Sharon A. Minichiello. Japan's Competing Modernities: Issues in Culture and Democracy, 1900–1930. University of Hawai'i Press. ISBN 978-0-8248-2080-0.
- Russell, Mark James (2012). Pop Goes Korea: Behind the Revolution in Movies, Music, and Internet Culture. Stone Bridge Press. ISBN 978-1-61172-542-1.
- Shim, Doobo (2011). Waxing The Korean Wave (PDF). Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. Diarsipkan dari versi asli (pdf) tanggal 2015-11-29. Diakses tanggal 13 Januari 2011.
- Sung, Sang-Yeon (4 Februari 2008). "The High Tide of the Korean Wave III: Why do Asian fans prefer Korean pop culture?". Korea Herald. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 24 Maret 2012. Diakses tanggal 12 Januari 2012.
- X (November 2009). "영원한 제국 (Eternal Empire) and Chungmuro's Love-Hate for History". Twitch Film. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2014-06-02. Diakses tanggal 2 Juni 2014.
- X (14 Mei 2007). "Sageuk, Korea's 80 Year Long Love for History". Yumcha!. Diakses tanggal 2 Juni 2014.
Pranala luar

- World Association for Hallyu Studies Diarsipkan 2016-06-03 di Wayback Machine.
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